February 11, 2022 At the Expo in Dubai, great opportunities are offered and... Signing a contract with the Nations Company from Qatar
August 21, 2020 Magnet Design vam predstavlja enega izmed svojih najnovejših projektov, poimenovanega... PRIVATECELL INOVATIVEN IN EGRONOMIČEN PROJEKT PODJETJA MAGNET DESIGN
August 10, 2020 Jesen se približuje in spomin na drugačne oblike izobraževanja na... Novosti na področju oblikovanja prostorov v slovenskih šolah
August 7, 2020 Intervju je pripravila izr. prof. dr. Lucija Mulej mag. ant.,... Intervju z Robertom Klunom v Playboyju
July 14, 2020 Slovenija se lahko pohvali že z več uspešnimi nastopi na... Predstavitev Slovenije na Expo 2020 Dubaj – Magnet Design
April 28, 2020 Ergonomics is the science devoted to studying the behaviour and... The importance of ergonomics
April 28, 2020 The selected concept will present Slovenia as a green oasis... The Economy Ministry has chosen the MAGNET DESIGN’s concept of Slovenia’s pavilion for Expo 2020, Dubai
April 28, 2020 he location of the house is exceptional, near all the... Contemporary villa with 2 apartments
April 28, 2020 Office interior design concepts are extremely important to consider when... Office interior design concepts are extremely important to consider when planning new offices