Magnet Design

Green Garden Villa, Riyadh

White which is in LOVE with GREEN … 
White is a pallet of all colours, White is base – mood board to play with White – the queen of all colours. 

The project of GREEN GARDEN VILLA concept was developed under examination how to build most amazing Villa for Riyadh.
All the materials we suggest to use NATURAL (Wooden Walls to have humidity on human level …) furniture with antibacterial smart manufacturing…
We can copy ideas, we can work on previous solutions, but to upgrade, to define something UNIQUE and NEW, we need to start from scratch.
Symbol of Love is White and RED, complementary of Red is Green, Red and Green are like Husband and Wife. They love each other, but sometimes there are also different opinions, which are providing progress. 
Only with DIALOG we have progress and in our Amazing, Healthy, GREEN GARDEN VILLA we have dialog on every STEP. 
Dialog of Concept, strong and Unique one, leading us toward most amazing, functional Living, healthy life.
And yes, the CONCEPT is the most important part. Our Concept to DESIGN »Green Garden VILLA«, to have greenery in each ROOM, to have greenery to support healthy life, to reduce temperature, to clean surrounding of our habitat is amazing solution.
Beside GOING GREEN we have many other features, to upgrade healty LIFE in and outside our GREEN GARDEN VILLA:
•   AIR: To have Fresh and chilled air we are using Recuperation system with best filters
•   WATER: to have drinkable and clean water from tap, we are using system of
•   ELIMINATOR      system 
For owners and for plants to grow better and to be more green
we implemented professionals from LIVING BIOLOGY for PROTECTION from:
    – Magnetic fields
    – Electric waves
LIGHTING: we use the most advanced technologies to have healthy environment.